But now we look forward corner and this helps me so much! However I wandered into your blog and I make a great company and do not talk about the mail of sal!! Then having two I do not have to mess with the salt!! But I like too open the mail and read them all!!
My blog on March 6 took a year !!!!! I was getting! I can not believe it's past .... all this time I reread a little all the posts and how many people I met! although it is virtually a very good "family "!!!! I sincerely thank all of you who read me .... and then read your comments is a great joy ♥ ♥ I wanted to celebrate with a giveaway but do not worry I will refer as soon as possible, I'm just very indecisive about what to create for you !! (I accept suggestions ^___^)
I took a few days my work, the sal cap for my son, I bought the cotton balls to make another top for my daughter and I have to finish the 'other I started at the San Remo and, of course tiles should not be missed!!

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